Welcome to the Intuitive Princess website!
Welcome to the Intuitive Princess website!
Greetings to all!
My name is Jasmina and I am an Intuitive Princess. Princess, because I have always liked princesses, and intuitive, because that’s how I am – very sensitive and I like to say for myself that I have supernatural powers.
Professionally, I am a business coach, intuitive mentor and life coach, crystal therapist and spiritual leader. Also, I am NLP master practitioner, I lead meditations and workshops on the Law of Attraction.
I have 20+ years of experience in education.
Even as a little girl, I felt different from my peers. Many times I wandered around looking for company, but when I found it, I realized that this is not what I was looking for.
I wondered how it was that my peers didn’t have time for themselves, that I didn’t let them deal with their thoughts and they didn’t even care who they were and what they were doing in this world.
It has always seemed to me that we are not in this world to do what others tell us and wait for the approval of others to do anything at all.
But different experiences, school, family, friends, work and society take you through life, and I somehow put my purpose and thoughts on the sidelines and surrendered to social norms.
Even as a little girl, I felt different from my peers. Many times I wandered around looking for company, but when I found it, I realized that this is not what I was looking for.
I wondered how it was that my peers didn’t have time for themselves, that they didn’t feel the need of dealing with their own thoughts and they didn’t even care who they were and what they were doing in this world.
It has always seemed to me that we are not in this world to do what others tell us to, and wait for the approval of others, before taking initiative to do anything at all.
But different experiences, school, family, friends, work and society take you through life, and I somehow put my purpose and thoughts on the sidelines and surrendered to social norms.
Always hardworking, obedient, among the best, but never happy with my achievements.
I completed my economics studies, got a job, got married, had children, quit my job, became an entrepreneur, divorced, devoted myself to a career, and eventually found out that I was … a bad copy of a wonder woman.
A successful businesswoman, wonderful children, an exemplary family, everything runs like clockwork, but the soul is not satisfied. My heart is sad and searching for fulfilment despite the fact that I am doing well everywhere. And despite the fact that on the outside my life looks perfect, I was not happy and even less satisfied. I found out that I had lost myself. Yes myself, a little princess, full of life who loves to create, write, draw and look forward to every day.
I completely succumbed to social frameworks. I did everything with excellence and always tried to be perfect. I thought miss perfect would save me. I just so thought, but the solution was hiding elsewhere.
I stepped out of my comfort zone, let go of the frame that limited me, and began the journey of finding myself.
Hundreds of books read, dozens of seminars attended, lectures, online courses, studies, conversations with my mentors, coaching, hypnosis, psychotherapy … all of this in search of something that would restore my hope.
The journey has been long, but the most interesting fact is that, that over time, a new world began to open up to me. But not brand new. I have found that I carry a lot of knowledge within me and that I am a modern healer, teacher, mentor, a good leader, a woman full of skills and knowledge. I am passionate about working with crystals and their power, I am going back to nature and healthy living. And that is my purpose in life.
I love beautiful things, shining colors, glitter of all kinds, even fashion fascinates me. I love drawing and coloring mandalas … And you won’t believe, but I started playing the piano (despite the fact that I’m not dewy young). All of this is me and given that you are on my website, you are probably interested in how I can help you, or how can I make it easier for you on the path I have walked alone.
No matter what area of life you need help with, and what your level of prior knowledge is, I invite you to take a little walk around my website and I am sure you will find some useful information and tips for theeasier life you desire.
Why choose Intuitive Princess?
I often wonder why people would choose me. What is the thing I can give them, and what is that extra something that could make them happy and make their lives easier. This is me, a smiling and kind teacher, a mentor full of ideas and little tricks for a better life and a simple day. I have a lot of knowledge about business, taxes, employment, in short, everything related to entrepreneurship. I have 20 years of experience in running a business and leading people, I am an advocate of business networking and daily learning.
I am an NLP Master Practitioner, a life coach, I guide meditations and run workshops about the Law of Attraction. I am a crystal therapist; I adore crystals and always carry them with me wherever I go. I have a degree in economics, and I have been a tax consultant, an accountant and a business coach for many years.
I have a lot of experience in entrepreneurship, education, leadership, communication with people and, above all, I am a person with a lot of life experiences that have shaped me into a happy woman, full of energy and passion for life.
I can teach you how to be happy and find out what matters in life; together we will find your mission and set goals for your business success. I have a lot of knowledge in online marketing, because I have many years of training at home and abroad.
I have a lot of knowledge, but above all, I am a woman who likes happy and kind-hearted people. If you recognise yourself in my story, I invite you to contact me, and together we will find a way to your happiness.
With love, Jasmina
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Let’s be kind to ourselves and
let’s embark on a journey with a smile.
Stay intuitive. Stay in touch.
Connect with me …
This is me, a smiling and kind teacher, a mentor full of ideas and little tricks for a better life.
No matter what area of life you need help with, and what your level of prior knowledge is, I invite you to take a little walk around my website and I am sure you will find some useful information and tips for the easier life you desire.
Copyright © 2024 INTUITIVE PRINCESS | All rights reserved. | Crafted with love: Palash Chandra Howlader